Liberal Government Shines in Canada as it opens up a little but COVID-19 cases blast off, so wear a mask!

Good News for Many Canadian Families Split Apart by this Beastly SARS-CoV-2 Virus

“Change that corresponds to healthful needs of the people, even dramatic change, should be welcomed by Canadians as a progressive Canadian government sets some new global standards,” said Katie Alsop during a meeting in Europe of the global women’s group RINJ to which she is a founding director.

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that the world must change, as multilateral systems established decades ago are not working as they should, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada told the UN General Assembly on 25 September 2020.

“The world is in crisis, and not just because of the last few months. Not just because of COVID-19. But because of the last few decades. And because of us”, he said in a pre-recorded speech for the gathering. 

Changes are beginning at home for Canadians that might impact the World.

“Hearts must be pounding with excitement across Canada,” says an Italian grandma on Saturday in Maple, Ontario, as ‘good news unfurled like the bright red maple leaf flag’ from some joint announcements by the Canadian Federal government.

by Sharon Santiago


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (on screen) of Canada addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventy-fifth session.
“Things have to Change,” says Justin Trudeau.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (on screen) of Canada addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventy-fifth session.
UN Photo/Rick Bajornas
Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Change: Compassion for Canadian Families prevails in Ottawa

“This is a change in Canada that began in 2015. It is a cognition change. A better way of thinking, and Canadians who have been sucked up into the American partisanship left vs. right cults, are missing out. It doesn’t matter who the Prime Minister might be,” says Katie Alsop, “I will explain.”

“If there is a good Cabinet comprised of women, their leadership will bring healthful change for the people, just as it has done in 30 women-led nations around the world,” she added.

“And it is time that public policy was made for the people and not for the benefit of elements of government itself.”

Health Minister Patty Hajdu’s  department officials do not want Canadians stuck overseas to miss a funeral or a critical hospital visitation because of an overly dispassionate and restrictive quarantine process.

Canada demands a 14-day quarantine for persons entering the country. An announcement on Friday allows the rules to bend on extenuating circumstances for a limited attendance at an urgent event.

“These situations could include being with someone you love to say goodbye at the end of their lives, or attending a funeral, or end of life ceremony,” said the Health Minister.

Minister Hajdu cautions that, “The decision to allow someone to end their quarantine early will be coordinated with the provincial or territorial government.”

“In some cases the applications may be tricky because not everyone thinks about saving documents or in the upheaval of the pandemic and in some cases draconian militaristic lockdown procedures in other countries where Canadians got stuck, caused a lot of personal goods to be lost,” says ‘Marianne’, a pseudonym for a Mississauga woman, a corporate lawyer, who asks to remain anonymous because she doesn’t want her ‘application prejudged’.

Change: “There is no free pass from COVID-19. Those who do not wear a mask, socially distance, and maintain hand hygiene could become sick and die or cause others the same fate. Opening up the country a little has some costs that do not need to be paid,” says Fred Harris, a biostatistician leading a medical research team for the Civil Society Partners for COVID-19 Global Solidarity

Canada daily COVID-19 Cases Canada daily COVID-19 Cases ~ Data Source Civil Society Partners for COVID-19 Global Solidarity ~Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement:  Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

The US CDC boss, Robert Redfield has testified before US Congress that Mask Wearing is a crucial element of CoV protection with a power close to the effect of a vaccine



Change: Canada’s Revised Immigration Policy

The core decision comes from Canada’s Immigration Minister, Marco Mendicino, who said Friday in cooperation with Health Canada, that Canadian citizens and permanent residents will  be eligible to welcome family members to Canada based on case-by-case eligibility.

“The pandemic is an ongoing threat and we need to continue to be cautious and restrictive about who can enter into Canada,” he explained.

“We needed to take these steps, given that this is not a short term problem,” said Health Minister Patty Hajdu. “This disease is not going away any time soon.”

Effective 8 October 2020, extended family members of Canadians including persons in an exclusive dating relationship of at least one year and their dependent children, as well as adult children, grandchildren, siblings and grandparents can come to Canada, based on individual case eligibility.

Long-term relationship unmarried couples who do not share an address, will need to provide a notarized declaration about their relationship.

Changes: School starts may need to be adjusted. Some classrooms are too big. Bigger classes are a triple threat.

Scientists Chris Bauch, University of WaterlooBrendon Phillips, University of Waterloo; Dillon Thomas Browne, University of Waterloo, and Madhur Anand, University of Guelph together produced a substantial computer model for classroom size and concluded that class sizes too big ‘are a triple whammy’.

We describe this as a “triple whammy.”

  • “First, when class sizes are larger, the chances are higher that one of the children will test positive.
  • “Second, when that child does test positive and the class is closed, closure of a larger class affects more children.
  • “Third, by the time the case is identified, the student might have been transmitting the virus for several days, or someone else in the class may have been asymptomatic and transmitting for many days.
  • This third point is crucial — it is increasingly clear that SARS-CoV-2 can be spread by aerosolized particles.”

School Layouts Illustration of simulated homes (top) and a childcare centre (bottom) in the model. ‘A’ represents parent, ‘T’ represents teacher, circles are children and numbers represent classroom assignments of children.
(Chris Bauch)

Please read the full report if you wish: Bigger class sizes during the CoV pandemic are a triple threat

“Cumulative Case Numbers in Canada show a substantial rise in deaths and infections that need to be managed by ordinary Canadians. This is not a government role, follow safety guidelines and mandates. Wear a proper mask and a face shield if involved in indoor settings or outdoor gatherings,” says Dr. Harris.

Canada Cumulative Cases and Deaths Canada Cumulative Cases and Deaths ~ Data Source Civil Society Partners for COVID-19 Global Solidarity ~ Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

27 Jul 2024Canada COVID-19 Statistical Analysis

Change: End another Epidemic in Canada: Racism

Two Canadian Premiers angered a global women’s group by declaring that racism isn’t a problem, just a few mouthy ‘kooks’.

The RINJ women’s group has been tracking for years, missing, raped and murdered indigenous Canadians.

Last month published a series of names and photographs of Canadian women and girls and in the thread of the Black Lives Matters campaign “Say Her Name” suggest Canadians “say their names”.

Well, there are thousands but this subset list is one for which new information is sought. The goal, says Ms. alsop, is to compel a process of change that walks a country away from the institutionalized legacy of [shudder] Residential Schools and other travesties commit against indigenous peoples.

Change: Quebec & Alberta mumble about racism. Women’s group wants zero tolerance & jail time even for slurs.

“When every Canadian is equal no matter their colour, creed, race, gender identification, or cultural heritage, there will be an intrinsic sensation across the country, a euphoric feeling of, “We did it!” so reach for that,” was the advice of Michele Francis for this article. She is a Canadian nurse and healthcare administrator running a series of clinics and a small hospital in the Amazon Basin of troubled Venezuela.

We share the RINJ women’s group message:

“Please look through the pictures of all our sisters and LET US KNOW if you know anything. You can upload better pics or any helpful material here. And say their names, please, especially the babies.”

Say their names Missing and Murdered Canadian women and girls is an epidemic which affects indigenous peoples in Canada, including the First Nations, Inuit, Métis (FNIM), & native North American communities. 1 in 3 Indigenous Canadian women is sexually assaulted during her life, and 67% of those assaults are perpetrated by non-Natives,” according to The RINJ Foundation researchers.
“Indigenous Canadian  women are more than twice as likely to experience violence than any other demographic,” says the global women’s group. “Say these names too,” say the women. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Institutional Cultural Change needed: RINJ Women advance that current racist origins date back to Residential Schools and their legacy which permeates institutions like the RCMP and some government levels, thus passed to society in general.

Think about this. Anyone who legitimately believes something different, can write to the Editor and their version will be published.

Read: New Study: Racism in Alberta Schools

Every Child Matters Rocks painted with the message “every child matters,” commemorate Orange Shirt Day, 30 September 2020, about creating meaningful discussion about the effects of Residential Schools and their legacy.
(Province of British Columbia/Flickr)CC BY-NC-ND

Watch: FPMag shares the message of The RINJ Women who are fighting for the safety of women and children around the world.


Canadian Prime Minister’s Address to United Nations General Assembly 75