Healthy Families: Drug Abuse. There is no excuse.

  • That drug abuse is mental illness, there is no doubt.
  • It is a serious, incurable but easily manageable disease. Clean up!

If you want to feel good, get out and walk or jog for one to three hours every single day. While you do this, make your phone calls, listen to music, do the mental arithmetic for your budgeting this week, try to remember the maintenance schedule for your car, comprise mentally your current shopping list, and think about the next family birthday. Clean up!

You will feel euphoric and enjoy an enhanced neuro-biological reward that nothing else can give you. Exercise is a natural high. Any drug you abuse to get a well-being thing going for a few fleeting seconds takes more from the recipient than it gives.

[Editorial] by Behar Abbasi, Feminine Perspective Magazine

Clean up!
Photo Credit: Rosa YamamotoFeminine Perspective Magazine
That drug abuse is mental illness, there is no doubt.
It is a serious, incurable but easily manageable disease. Clean up!


Drug Abuse is a Serious Illness of the Mind, so Clean Up!

Unfortunately, medical practitioners are jaundiced toward substance abusers because they see and know the enormous amount of harm a drug abuser does to precious body organs. They also know how crazy and abnormal the human mind can become while under the influence of mind-altering toxins.

They also know just how badly many otherwise healthy  children and adults need good, healthy organs that ironically drug abusers arriving in the same medical clinic or hospital, destroy. It’s not a good feeling. Let’s be honest, what that drug abuser is doing feels like craziness.

Irony of drug abusers willingly destroying organs arriving in the hospital is a body slam to the brain of medical practitioners. It’s a mental health issue that boggles sane minds.

Patients in that same hospital because of non-preventable disease, war trauma, car and bus crashes or birth anomalies, await healthy organ transplants. The sick paradox are patients arriving in the urgent care ward who willingly destroy their body organs. It’s very sad. How dare they willfully destroy a healthy kidney that my little-boy patient suffers without.

That may sound odd, well, it does, but that’s a fact. Waste of precious human life is a crime that medical practitioners feel deep inside their bones, figuratively.

If you are a drug addict, you are a mental health patient and are not going to find much sympathy from the hard-core medical practitioners in a hospital because you are the antithesis of everything they stand for.

You need to see a mental health practitioner.

Social Workers, psychologists and psychiatrists understand and treat your disorder. If you are seeing an MD it is because you need your stomach pumped and your blood and body detoxified plus failed organs replaced or rejuvenated. You are on death’s doorstep.

Drug abuser? You are mentally ill. See a Shrink, now. Clean Up!

And don’t waste time getting there. A social worker, sometimes a free-clinic social worker is classified in this category of “shrink”and may be your best bet if funds or medical plans are restrictive.

  • A good therapist can and will assist  you in your goal of getting clean.
  • There are many programs for substance abusers but only the afflicted person’s program is going to work.
  • You must do the work. Self curing is a big part of the process, meanwhile cognitive therapy and behaviour modification are the life-savers a professional can teach the patient. There are other approaches too. Go learn. Do not expect the teacher to do the learning for you.
  • Push yourself out the door toward help.
  • Do not expect the therapist to quit your substance abuse for you. You must quit. Do it safely and as quickly as possible, before it is too late.
  • The therapist can help you review why you think you should die (or why you don’t care or simply forgot to care) and what you need to learn to change this very unnatural cognisance.
  • Here’s a promise: Your breakthrough will be cathartic and life-giving. Work hard to get to that point of a breakthrough. You will know it when it happens. It’s bigger than the sunshine and rainbow after a storm. Way bigger.

Learn a New Way of Thinking, a new way of drug-free living. Clean up!

  1.  Ingest only healthy things for your body. Think about how motivating that can be when you are not just enjoying healthy habits but doing something very good for yourself. You deserve that care. Think about it.
  2. Each time you think about or crave your abused substance, eat a peach or an apple, an orange or an avocado and observe the delightful reward of those tastes and feelings. Drink water and exercise. Push yourself in better directions.
  3. Stop using all drugs except those prescribed for chronic conditions. Don’t smoke and don’t drink any alcohol. Go for a walk in a new area. Exercise. Drink large amounts of water.
  4. Discard thoughts of past experiences and focus on current situations, problems and opportunities. Exercise.
  5. See a doctor if withdrawal from your substance abuse leaves you with a blood pressure outside normal range or significant symptoms you cannot manage on your own. Avoid if possible any remedial drugs. Drink plenty of water and exercise.
  6. Avoid all contact with substances you have abused and the culture surrounding them.
  7. Open your mind to new alternative activities, a healthier diet, and healthier more active lifestyle. Go for a walk. Drink a lot of water.
  8. Distinguish between what are thoughts and what are actual feelings. You can choose what to think about. Choose better things like goals and their rewards.
  9. Challenge negative thoughts. Exercise.
  10. Interrupt random, automated negative thoughts and correct those that are biased by past experiences. Think forward toward goal achievement and the rewards inherent in goal achievement.
  11. You are the expert on your life. Learn to set good goals and think forward, not backwards. Go and exercise by walking or jogging for an hour.
  12. Solve problems you can solve, worry not about those that have nothing to do with you.
  13. See the world in a new way with a focus on how you respond to opportunities. Think about opportunities while you walk for an hour.
  14. Start fixing the things of your life that drug addiction broke. Do that with humility and love.

Brighten your stormy horizons by focusing on a better tomorrow. Photo Credit: Melissa Hemingway
Brighten your stormy horizons by focusing on a better tomorrow.

Help for the Caregiver

If you are a parent or caregiver to children and teens, take a look at some of the signs of substance abuse, if there are signs. There aren’t always any noticeable changes available for parents to observe because the child’s life is detoured away from observations of family by withdrawal. That of itself is a symptom of some type of trouble.

Some signs of substance abuse parents need to question:

  • secretive even paranoid behaviour,
  • deviation from normal schedules and behaviour,
  • no longer enjoying activities that were normally valued,
  • random, significant mood swings,
  • withdrawal from the family,
  • hygiene and personal grooming have become unimportant,
  • repeated sniffling without evidence of a cough or cold, and
  • the physical aspect of bloodshot, dry or wet eyes with a distant stare and abnormal pupils.

What do you do if these symptoms are present? Anything and everything. Be creative. Get your child to a professional helper.

Do lawfully whatever it takes to come between your child and drugs. Most kids survive their early encounters and their urges to try things they shouldn’t. But that’s because most kids have great parents who lead by example, by good teaching and discipline.

The Down side of Unchecked Drug Abuse: Major conflict.  You don’t want to be this person you became. Clean up!

In the Philippines and in some other countries, people are shot for having a bad gait and thus looking like they are intoxicated from drug abuse..

The International Criminal Court is investigating a Philippines’ Presidentialy-led drug war and mass murder that has reached a death toll of nearly 30,000 since July 1, 2016.

Source: The RINJ Foundation researchers, doctors and nurses make benign inquiries to morgues, mortuaries, universities and police to obtain cadaver and donor availability research reports but at the same time evaluate the condition of the cadavers. Not all cadavers turn up in these systems, especially wrongful death. Many bodies are buried without being reported. There is nothing one  can do about that except to keep an eye on media reports which is more anecdotal than factual thus leaving only the count of confirmed cadavers damaged by bullet wounds.  That’s shocking. The unlawful burial or burning of cadavers is becoming more and more of a problem as entities that commit murder realize that statistical evidence is being gathered by researchers hence it is estimated that data now available is an understatement of the problem.

What is important for you to learn is Clean Up!

It’s as if substance abusers have become public enemy number one all around the world. Get out of this poor mental health realm and manage a healthy life. How? Clean Up.


Photo Credit: Rosa YamamotoFeminine Perspective Magazine
That drug abuse is mental illness, there is no doubt.
It is a serious, incurable but easily manageable disease. Clean up!