Today Nurse Aisha delivered a Gaza baby from the womb of a starving mother in Rafah.

The mother was on her second ringer (sodium lactate solution). She presented as a mother fainting from malnutrition and dehydration but with no indications of acute or chronic illnesses other than recent incipient starvation.

“The lactated ringers revived her, and soon she resumed contractions and became lucid. I gave mom a pack of cookies my mother who is here in Gaza gave to me. The patient is a mother about to give birth.

“This experience reminds me, ‘don’t ever underestimate this primal state of womanhood’. I made her as comfortable as possible, watched, and supported this mother of two children deliver her third baby, a week overdue,” explained Ai’sha in a satellite phone conversation hours later.

“Her other two children were having some snacks provided by a couple of ambulance drivers on break. The family is all together now, sleeping. The children’s dad was a butcher. Without any more work in October he had joined a team of civil society rescuers digging people out of buildings that were bombed. That’s how he died. It’s a sad story. The dad was trying to get a little boy out from under a concrete slab and fellow workers went for some jacks and steel bars when it was bombed again, a cousin had told the family.

“Believe it or not, at our portable traveling birthing clinic, our number one need is food, water, and newborn infant formula because many mothers are not lactating,” Ai’sha continued, but sounding very tired.

“This young hero of Gaza, a nurse trained in Canada, saved two lives today and we are all humbled by her skill and dedication, once again,” said her supervisor, Behar from Gaza in the same phone connection. “I hope we can write a story about Ai’sha’s miracle of life. We had feared a bad outcome, so we gave the lady and her infant the best we have, young Ai’sha.”

Ceasefire. End the Gaza Genocide

RINJ Women urge Cease fire

Urging a ceasefire now. The killing on both sides must stop. The Gaza Genocide must be stopped—Sharon Santiago The RINJ Foundation.

Also: Be silent when kids sleep, not when kids are murdered.