Travel for Anglo women and kids is risky, says Rosa. A from-the-heart report.

Travel in Europe and the Middle East for Anglo Women is a nightmare. It’s bad for the Japanese too because Japan’s leader is supporting the Gaza Genocide even though he is clueless about everything. Our good leader was assassinated.

By Rosa Yamamoto ‘from the heart’ in Türkiye

Not a good time for Anglo women to travel

Not a good time for Anglo women to travel

Junko Tabei in 1985 at Communism Peak (now known as Ismoil Somoni Peak).
Photo: Jaan Künnap. Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine (

Writer Harry Johnson suggests the most dangerous countries for women to visit are in Europe. While the leaders of Europe are gung-ho about killing Palestinians, the population is in the streets raising hell against the Gaza Genocide. They are also burning USA and Canadian leaders in effigy. Indonesia and Malaysia as well as Colombia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Argentina, and Chile are certainly no-go travel destinations today for solo women. Add every other country except the following as absolutely no-go travel destinations or stopovers.

Our Irish sister Sophie Collins and Money Transfers  suggested that in 2023, the following destinations were safe. We are suggesting that Anglo women and children, especially Canadians and Americans do not travel at this

Read: URGENT NOTICE TO WOMEN New reasons why Anglo women must not travel abroad in 2024

We sure have some terrible ‘world leaders’ like Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu. These men are corrupt, criminal, killers, you’ll see. Each are accused of genocide and other crimes against humanity in all the major world courts.

I helped out a mother and two kids in Türkiye where Ankara border police at the airport were scolding her about killing Arab kids in Gaza. The travelers were Canadian and Ottawa has been backing the genocide in Israel saying “Israel has the right to defend itself,” which is crap because when the Hamas screwballs attacked on 7 October, they were defending themselves after Israel repeatedly desecrated the al Aqsa Mosque.

Ask President President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan or any person in Turkiye what they think of those attacks and desecrations on al Aqsa Mosque and its grounds.

The two kids were balling their eyes out, the oldest asking if what the man said about killing thousands of women and children was true. The woman was shouting, “I never voted for Justin Trudeau.” That wasn’t helping either. The men were shrieking about Biden.

Actually, I was thinking it was all going to blow out of control. Three other men when they finished with who they were talking to had come over and started scolding the women who actually did sound like she was defending a genocide like Trudeau does.

Other travelers standing back watching began to join the officials in their angry talk. Everything the arrogant woman said was throwing more gas on the flames. She could be going to jail for creating a disturbance at least. I thought.

I walked over with an idea in my head. And said very loudly, “We are all in Canada against what the government is doing. I am a reporter. Can I get a quote from you gentleman. My article is about the crime of genocide.” They had a lot to say.

Wheew. We got talking and I told them I worked for and was a Director at RINJ Women who have dozens of birthing clinics in Gaza and were in the news lately on al Jazeera. One of the men also knew our amazing people in Iraq.

They freaked out thanking me for helping “martyrs” in Gaza and one of the men as everyone became engrossed in the conversation told the Canadian lady and her kids to go on their way. Wheew again. That was a relief. She scampered off to meet her greeters on the other side of the glass wall.

These men who had been upset had family in Gaza it seemed. One said his brother was a journalist too and that his brah “was martyred”.

Everyone began sharing their true emotion which was not anger it was sadness!

The other men paid respects to the grieving brother, everyone sharing their true emotion which is sadness, they thanked me again and asked me to thank Dr. Nassima who is my friend and a well-known if not famous surgeon in Gaza and a Medical Director at . Then they went back to work.


The moral of the story is that people are very upset by what is happening. They wish to have their own voice heard. We cannot all be clamouring for the deaths of anyone and must respect the universal right to life and liberty.

Punishing the women and children in Gaza for what a few Hamas sociopaths did is wrong, and people should speak out against that just like these men in Ankara were doing.

What I felt there, was their pain.

I conclude that people all over the world need to admit their sadness and start listening to people—people listening to people—instead of USA and Israel politician’s bullshit propaganda.

Rosa Yamamotofrom the heart.

Yes, This is Genocide

Red Cross needs to move 5,000 patients out of Gaza.



Urging a ceasefire now.