A door opens for Biden to resign. He has mild case COVID-19

A women’s rights NGO issued a survey among its membership in the United States and learned that the electorate wants big change. Maybe it was just a moment? Maybe not.

Survey: American voters prefer a Dem Whitmer-Harris duo

Preferring the two women ticket, the Presidential race was still a draw among women between Republicans and Democrats with a clear presidential winner being the duo among Democrats.

“It was asking a child if they liked ice cream,” said Dr. Kathy Poon who led the analysis team.

“We suspect this initial assessment shows that the electorate in the United States is about to slam incumbents as if incumbency were a dandelions’ infection in a pristine front lawn a few days before Easter Sunday,” said Dr. Poon who added that other basic indicators suggest the women voter population is very angry at the two men duking it out with barbs that get extremely ugly without any respect between the two elderly male candidates whatsoever.

The most vigorously responded question in the emailed survey was, “Would  you be more inclined to vote in the 60th quadrennial presidential election, Tuesday, 5 November, if your choices included Gretchen Whitmer for President and Kamala Harris to continue has Vice President under the Democrat banner?”

Initial analysis was done by Dr. Kathy Poon who works as a biostatistician and a team of computer-science experts suggested the U.S. electorate is very angry and worried; will avoid the polling booths in a tiny majority, over 50%; and will turf incumbents regardless which is anomalous. It is widely believed that a smaller turnout favours the incumbent but that is contested from time to time by data.

A door opens. Biden has Mild COVID-19

Joe Biden says he has tested positive for COVID-19
He has left the campaign to isolate as per NIH suggestions.  White House file photo.
Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

Women’s Group Endorsed Harris and Biden in 2020

“With 20:20 hindsight, our decision is now seen as a big mistake,” suggests Geraldine Frisque, spokesperson for The RINJ Foundation. “These lunatics are slaughtering women in Gaza. We are a women’s rights organization and are beyond outraged.”

“We hold Biden responsible for killing with U.S. bombs and targeting data over 30 persons including 5 medical workers one of them American, 12 infants, two male parents, and fifteen women including five grandmothers at our clinic in north Gaza on the proclaimed Vaccination Day. Earlier that day there had been over fifty persons present, families lining up with infants to get free full sets of infants first vaccinations,” added Ms. Frisque

This is reprehensible. Deliberately targeting women and babies as a method of race extermination, Biden is so mixed up in his head or so badly over the hill he has America backing a massive genocide in Gaza over a false claim of decapitated infants. A closer look at the charismatic foreign-policy Charlatan Biden reveals he has always been disingenuous.

 A dozen former U.S. government officials who quit over U.S. support for Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip on accused President Joe Biden’s administration of “undeniable complicity” in the killing of Palestinians in the enclave.

In a joint statement, 4-July-2024-Service-in-Dissent, 12 former government officials said the administration was violating U.S. laws through its support for Israel’s Gaza Genocide and finding loopholes to continue shipping weapons to its ally.

Citing: US has ‘undeniable complicity’ in Gaza war killings, say former US officials | Reuters

Dehumanizing Jews and Palestinians

Joint Statement of U.S. Government Officials who have Resigned over U.S. policy towards Gaza, Palestine, and Israel 4 July 2024—4-July-2024-Service-in-Dissent

“In our collective experience, we have seen for years the silencing of concerns about Israel’s human rights record and the failure of the Oslo process and broader U.S. policy.

“We have seen debate silenced in government; facts distorted; laws sidestepped and willfully ignored, even violated; and lawyers working overtime to avoid faithfully implementing the law.

“We have seen America, in a process turned on its head, rush to arm Israel even as civilians are massacred with U.S. arms, and efforts to share intelligence with Israel that have contributed to this catastrophe.

“We have seen peaceful protests met with rancid accusations of antisemitism and with violence, while an Administration that previously fought for free speech on college campuses stood by as it was silenced.

“We have seen unconditional U.S. support for Israeli military operations in Gaza make it impossible to advocate for human rights in the Middle East and lead regional advocates to turn their backs on our diplomats.

“We have seen a U.S. Government that dehumanizes both Palestinians and Jews, making the former victims of its weapons and the latter scapegoats for its war machine.

“We have seen an Administration that is willing to lie to Congress, and a Congress that punishes the truth.”

A door opens and Biden must resign now for health reasons.

Joe Biden says he has been diagnosed with COVID-19 as he approaches his 82nd birthday.

Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the president’s physician, said in a note that Biden “presented this afternoon with upper respiratory symptoms, to include rhinorrhea and non-productive cough, with general malaise.” He tested positive for COVID-19,  O’Connor said.

It may seem far-fetched but Vice-President Harris suddenly becoming President could change the entire political landscape and fast.

Data suggests Biden needs to resign for health reasons including COVID-19 or face being trounced by the Republicans in the White House, Senate and Congress or something more embarrassing, being indicted by the International Criminal Court over the Gaza war crimes Netanyahu has roped Biden into. Genocide is no joke. Biden is at no time presenting as a competent presidential candidate. Sone say he is handing the 2024 election to the Republicans, now that the lawfare has failed.

Co-accused in Gaza Genocide

Image courtesy of the Spokesperson unit of the President of Israel. Photo is cropped.  Art, Cropping, Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

The International Criminal Court is examining requests for arrest warrants. Biden and many other American politicians sought to impress their Jewish voting supporters and campaign financers of political electioneering at home with the politician’s zeal for killing Palestinian civilians, women and children.

The picture and its story: Joe Biden, Isaac Herzog, Benjamin Netanyahu, at Ben Gurion Airport 18 October 2023. These Co-accused of Genocide and other crimes against humanity are

  1. U.S. President Joe Biden,
  2. Israeli titular President Isaac Herzog, and
  3. de facto Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Biden must go. Now is a good time.