Sergei Surovikin-fear brings G7, NATO, emergency meetings

Video:  The Russian Federation Ministry of Defence reports that Russian Defence Minister and General of the Army Sergei Shoigu was briefed by General Sergei Surovikin, and briefed by his commander Colonel General Aleksandr Lapin and other commanders about the current situation with General Sergei Surovikin’s new command, the ‘special military operation in Ukraine’. After being informed, the chief of Russian military gave necessary decrees for intensifying the action in order to prevent massive missile and artillery attacks launched by the Kiev regime at civilian infrastructure facilities, population of Donbass and other regions.

France has again become a light in the forest as tens of thousands take to the streets to demand Macron pull the country out of NATO. Most G7 nations are screaming for more weapons and more war. Indicators are that much more war is in the cards as the peoples of the G7 are demanding peace talks and some seek withdrawal from warmongering NATO.

French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said on Tuesday as Brussels reportedly considering a ninth package of sanctions against Russia, that Paris believes that it’s important to maintain channels for dialogue with Moscow and that France opposes attempts to isolate Russia.

“It is very important to have channels for communication with Russian President Vladimir Putin,” she told the France Inter radio station. “Isolation would be the worst policy option,” Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna stressed.

But as the EU members, Britain and USA continue to spout warmongering vitriol, and as the vast majority of UN members went hush over the eastern Europe war, Russian cruise missiles continue today to slam into Kiev and sources confirm NATO now has a contingency plan to send massive numbers of troops into Donbass via Poland etc.

Anti-NATO Demonstrations in Madrid

Global Workers Union Photo: Sunday’s Massive demonstrations in Madrid while others took place in Prague, Czechia, and in many French cities opposing the war. Shortages of fuel for heating homes in winter and enormously higher prices for energy will inflict direct pain on the poorest sectors of Europe’s society.

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss whose approval rating slipped from 18% to 16%, as she continues to be an obstacle to peace in Europe, essentially leaving her with zero mandate to govern let alone start a world war, (says the opposition) and as Brits protest in the streets demanding peace talks and withdrawal from NATO, Ms. Truss says she will join a virtual gathering of G7 leaders and Volodymir Zelenskyy today and as the Prime Minister of Great Britain will seek an emergency meeting of NATO to discuss possible military action against Russia, with no mandate from her people whatsoever, in fact against their clearly stated wishes for peace.

The Man who terrifies the West

General Sergei Surovikin is on the job. Leave Ukraine. RF Min. Defence photo


The G7 emergency meeting is called by Volodymir Zelenskyy and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in response to General Sergei Surovikin (General Sergei Surovikin is on the job. Leave Ukraine) despite his being at war with an overwhelming number of (55+) nations, getting nasty over the ‘nuclear threats of catastrophic destruction of Russia’, the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, the shelling of the ZNPP (nuclear plant) and the terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge. (Nukes, Nord Stream, ZNPP, Crimea Bridge: Europe is in danger.)

Dale Carter, security director of the global women’s rights group, The RINJ Foundation, speaking from Kiev, commented on this G7 meeting scheduled for 11 October (Tuesday).

“The men who have brought us this war are obsessed old politicians toying with post-WWII Nazis’ militias and a post-Soviet-era civil war that has been provoked by the West for three decades, all over making money from arms sales.

Their war has now reached a point of no return.

While Russia has offered peace talks, it is about to pull out all the stops to defend itself and the people of Luhansk, Donetsk and Crimea, all ethnic Russians. The West seems to think that Russia will just die and be removed from the map of the world.

All of the G7 leaders have failed their countrymen and the human population of the world. This war could have and should have been avoided. The people of these G7 countries need to take to the streets and demand this war be stopped with a cease fire and peace talks immediately. Meanwhile, the civilians of Ukraine must leave, and the people of warmongering Europe must welcome them.

In addition to the American embassy telling US Citizens to leave Ukraine immediately and humanitarian NGO’s saying, “get out to safety”, the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Kiev urged its citizens to leave Ukraine and those who are elsewhere should not travel to Ukraine.

While not telling its citizens to leave, the Indian embassy in Kiev issued an advisory to registered residents and via public statements. In its advisory, the embassy urged Indians to avoid all non-essential travel to and within Ukraine. “People should strictly follow the safety and security guidelines issued by local authorities… those still present in Ukraine are requested to keep the Embassy informed about the status of their presence in Ukraine to enable the Embassy to reach out to them, when required.”

As a UN General Session continues, the representative from Ukraine spoke in his usual supercilious manner asking the UN Secretary general to begin ACLS for Ukraine (get out the paddles).

Zelensky said on his Telegram channel that he “Had a productive conversation with US President Joe Biden. The main topic of discussion was air defence. Currently, this is the number one priority in our defense cooperation. America’s leadership, G7’s tough stance and support for our UNGA resolution is very important for Ukraine,” wrote the Ukrainian leader.

Cruise missiles are hitting Kiev today as Lviv in the west of Ukraine still is suffering from yesterday’s attacks without electricity and fresh water in some small areas of the city mayor Andriy Sadovyi said.

In Lviv, cell phone service is limited due to missile strikes yesterday.

Lviv is where the western media and government officials are holed up, about 1210 kilometers from the front lines, a 26-hour drive and 17-hour train ride in the current conditions. The city was hit by missiles, an extremely rare occurrence, on Monday.

Meanwhile, 1200 kilometers away, the Russian Federation troops are digging deep defensive troop trenches along the Svatovo-Kremennaya Donbass defence line.