A beautiful idea: name a street, place, square, Mahsa Amini

RINJ Women are asking municipal and national governments around the world to name a street, a square, a sculpture, or ‘your idea’ after “Mahsa Amini”.

Brussels did already, a beautiful symbol of love and appreciation for a life that cries for gender equality, or as our sisters say,

“Women, Life, Freedom.”

Message from a 15-year-old recently rescued schoolgirl, Anahita, now living in a RINJ Foundation safe-house:

“She was a quiet, humble, beautiful Kurdish-Iranian soul. We cry for her, and hundreds have now died for her, like my friend Asra Panahi (16) who died Wednesday, 12 October 2022. Please honour those who fell, 10 per day since 16 September. Say her name. ‘Mahsa Amini’. No confusion. We know her as ‘Mahsa Amini’ and we love what she has come to stand for: Women, Life, Freedom”, said Anahita, coached a little by the bi-lingual author, Behar Abbasi, from Anahita’s bed where she recovers in a safe house in Iran.

Please name a street, a place, a square Mahsa Amini

The quintessential opportunity to say, ‘we stand for gender equality and deplore all brutal authoritarianism and theocratic femicide’. Please back my courageous sisters here in Iran.

Name a place, a street, a sculpture, a square, Mahsa Amini – RINJ

by Behar Abbasi in Tehran


We are asking the municipalities of the world, and the national governments of the world, to honour Mahsa Amini and her Kurdish family not just for who she was but for what she stands for. She stands for Women, Life, freedom.  We stand with our sisters here in Iran and around the world against men who say, “gender equality is a Zionist plot”.  Thank you from deep in our hearts. 

RINJ Women


Additional reports from activists and authors on the scene.