Canadians will not tolerate Israeli, USA, India style assassinations

“India thinks it is OK to assassinate people it does not like in Canada due to a frenzied, Machiavellian drama-addiction to Israeli or USA illegal violence. It cannot stand, says a global security expert.

“Failing to cooperate in the murder investigation and leaving Canada are your choices, India, but those are just more failed opportunities to achieve a favourable outcome to the crisis at hand, which has been and is still available according to the parties. Those of your people claiming immunity for committing crimes or complicit in crimes committed in Canada must be ejected as per the global rule of law. You would have done the same. India has a severe crisis that continues to build, and Canadians are sympathetic. There are numerous aspects to the blatant criminality of the Khalistan Tiger Force which claims to be a resistance group for an oppressed ethnic group of India citizens. Their actions, however, have been criminal and reprehensible causing many deaths and many serious injuries to the public. Now India has joined that criminality claiming it justified. A better path would have been the rule of law,” said  Dale Carter, the security director of The RINJ Foundation women’s rights NGO during extensive interviews on this matter since June 2023, and earlier.

This is a continuing story about how the RCMP links acts of murder, extortion and coercion to Indian government agents.

“On 18 June 2023 Mr. Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a 45-year-old Canadian who often vocalized opinions Mr. Modi did not like, was shot dead outside a Sikh temple in Surrey BC, a suburb of Vancouver which hosts a significant Sikh population. The deceased is still a community-respected Canadian campaigning for the creation of an independent Sikh homeland in a breakaway republic of India which does not exist, but he advocated its creation,” said Dale Carter.

“India is a country our organization, in consultation with the United Nations, has put under a watch by RINJ Women and numerous other human rights advocates who are surveilling India’s massive human rights violations against minorities,” added Ms. Carter.

Justin Trudeau at Punjabi Pavillion in Winnipeg August 2024

Justin Trudeau at Punjabi Pavillion in Winnipeg August 2024. Photo credit: PM Trudeau Flikr account. Photo is cropped for publication and converted to WEBP. Conversion, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

“In September of 2023, RINJ Women were vocal in their criticism of our Canadian Prime Minister for accusing India of an assassination without proof in the form of admissible evidence which is a common law tenet of jurisprudence shared by India and Canada. We rattled the chains but until now got no firm response other than a confirmation that evidence was there and would be confirmed at a suitable time. And so, it happened. We are extremely pleased these steps have been taken as was quietly promised because we believe this matter relates to widespread malfeasance and crime waves with impunity to which India has become a tagalong perpetrator, and it is time to put on the brakes of this international breakdown in the rule of law and in human rights,” said Ms. Carter.

Canada’s application of the rule of law is more consistent evidenced by the reality that India has plummeted to 79 out of 130 nations in the World Justice Project standings. Areas of greatest decline include constraints on government powers, civic space, timeliness of justice, and absence of discrimination. India placed only 3rd out of 6 nations in the South Asia region.

 Analysis: The killing of a Sikh terrorist in Canada.: “What folks are forgetting here is that the territorial demands of a religious group of people do not trump the safety and security of everyone else. Turning a country into a dysfunctional jigsaw puzzle because of one religious group’s desire for isolationism and independence is not only unreasonable, but also not doable. Another solution is needed or, just getting along with each other would be best.

“Some 20% of the adult Sikh population in Canada (110,000 Sikhs), cast ballots in Brampton to favour an independent Sikh state known as Khalistan to be created by chopping up the territory of India and some say Pakistan too.

“The matter between India and Canada has been controverted for years with India urging Canada to take strict action against separatist gatherings. That has not happened. Mr. Modi is nevertheless encouraged, we are told, that Canada has publicly stated that it respects India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

“Nobody actually sees how the Sikhs could ever achieve what they say they seek in a peaceful way,” citing Analysis: The killing of a Sikh terrorist in Canada.

Editor’s note: FPM in September 2023, for its article referenced above, conducted research and agreed with India’s claim that the late Mr. Nijjar was a ‘terrorist’. Militants he worked with describe him as such and INTERPOL had issued, two red notices against Mr. Nijjar, in 2014 and 2016. Additionally, India has declared Mr. Nijjar a terrorist while saying that Mr. Nijjar belonged as an active member to the Khalistan Tiger Force.

The Indian government accused Mr. Nijjar of being the actual leader of pro-Khalistan militant group Khalistan Tiger Force.

INTERPOL determined Mr. Nijjar to be a “mastermind/active member” of Khalistan Tiger Force and said that suspects arrested in connection with the 2007 Shingaar cinema hall bomb blast (Six people were killed and more than 42 injured in the explosion during a movie) had implicated him as leading the terrorist criminal action.

 The indication by evidence of India’s crime is now significant, and it is a serious crime against Canadian Sovereignty. Without India’s agreement on waiving diplomatic immunity in order to answer questions, the parties involved must be expelled and more should follow because the web of deceit is extensive across thousands of kilometers of Canada according to an NGO investigation.

The discussion of this matter today exists in the contexts of a run amok impunity for crimes against humanity led by the USA and Israel including assassinations, extermination and genocide and the violation of public safety of the people of Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Saudi Arabia and their sovereignty—and now Canada, we all learn here.

This matter goes back to long before Mr. Nijjar’s death. Since then, three arrests have been made and the accused arraigned.

According to the RCMP its Integrated Homicide Investigative Team (IHIT) and the Federal Policing Program Pacific Region announced, in May, the arrests of three individuals for their alleged involvement in the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar on 18 June 2023. The accused are Karan Brar, Kamalpreet Singh and Karanpreet Singh.

The accused have been talking say sources.

Additionally, on 14 October, Global Affairs Canada, announced that six Indian diplomats and consular officials received a notice of expulsion from Canada in relation to a targeted campaign against Canadian citizens by agents linked to the Government of India.

India refused to waive diplomatic and consular immunities and to cooperate in the investigation which would be normal in the event that officials in India were not complicit in a crime.

“The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) gathered information that established linkages between the investigation and agents of the Government of India. In order to further the investigation and allow the RCMP to interview relevant individuals, India was asked to waive diplomatic and consular immunities and to cooperate in the investigation. Regrettably, as India did not agree and given the ongoing public safety concerns for Canadians, Canada served notices of expulsion to these individuals. Subsequent to those notices, India announced it would withdraw its officials.”

These investigations continue even today. Nothing has been refuted from original claims. More inculpatory information has been gathered say insider sources in a quick response to a question, in other words this is a live case, and much is happening.

Clearly, India’s interests are being respected and the outcome may be helpful for the stated concerns of the Indian government, FPM was told and understood in the context of past reportage.

“Ridicule Canada all you want but this current plague of impunity for state-sponsored assassins and utter global chaos is not acceptable to Canadians as far as I have been able to poll,” said Geraldine Frisque, spokesperson for The RINJ Foundation.

A two-pronged intense investigation nation-wide in Canada

FPM has learned from various sources in law enforcement that Canadian security officials believe the breadth of criminal activity in this matter and those related and occurring in Canada is a grave concern to Canadian public safety. They say there’s a distinct investigation on the Nijjar assassination case and there’s another distinct investigation on the national security issues to examine connections with the Government of India which are thus far indicated by numerous evidentiary chains.

“Keeping Canadians safe is the fundamental job of the Canadian government. The decision to expel these individuals was made with great consideration and only after the RCMP gathered ample, clear and concrete evidence which identified six individuals as persons of interest in the Nijjar case. We continue to ask that the Indian government support the ongoing investigation in the Nijjar case, as it remains in both our countries’ interest to get to the bottom of this.” – Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs

On October 14, Assistant Commissioner of the RCMP, Brigitte Gauvin, said that the Indian government has connections with the Bishnoi group of alleged gangsters.

She stated that this group is particularly targeting pro-Khalistan elements in Canada.

“India is focusing on the South Asian community, but the primary target is the pro-Khalistani elements within Canada.”

Mélanie Joly also said that “From the RCMP’s viewpoint, organized crime elements are being utilized.

“We believe this group has ties to agents of the Government of India,” declared Brigitte Gauvin, Assistant Commissioner, Federal Policing, National Security, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

India has lodged a strong protest on 14 October and summoned the Canadian diplomat in Delhi. Subsequently, Canadian Chargé d’Affaires Stewart Wheeler was called to the Ministry of External Affairs. The Canadian government recently described Indian High Commissioner and other diplomats as ‘persons of interest’ in an ongoing investigation, a move that led the Indian government to strongly dismiss the Canadian claims.

(PMO File photo from Bali 2022)

“FPM after consulting me wrote the following said Ms. Carter,Analysis: The killing of a Sikh terrorist in Canada ( because of my investigation which led to the belief that India had some legitimate complaints about the deceased but that there was no conviction,” said Ms. Carter in a lengthy interview about this matter.

“What folks are forgetting here is that the territorial demands of a religious group of people do not trump the safety and security of everyone else. Turning a country into a dysfunctional jigsaw puzzle because of one religious group’s desire for isolationism and independence is not only unreasonable, it is not doable. Another solution is needed or, just getting along with each other would be best.

“Some 20% of the adult Sikh population in Canada (110,000 Sikhs), cast ballots in Brampton to favour an independent Sikh state known as Khalistan to be created  by chopping up the territory of India and some say Pakistan too.

“The matter between India and Canada has been controverted for years with India urging Canada to take strict action against separatist gatherings. That has not happened. Modi is nevertheless encouraged, we are told, that Canada has publicly stated that it respects India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. Nobody actually sees how the Sikhs could ever achieve what they say they seek in a peaceful way.”

According to Human Rights Watch, “the Indian government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), persisted with policies that discriminate and stigmatize religious and other minorities. This led to increasing incidents of communal violence in many parts of the country, including in Manipur state, where hundreds were killed in ethnic clashes.”

India’s record under PM Modi for the protection of the rights of women and children is horrific and RINJ Women continue for a decade to advise women tourists or women businesspersons not to go to India. If you are a woman or child, don’t go to India. It is not safe.

Further reference: Corruption-in-India-A-Violation-of-human-rights_Kumar

RINJ Women in India, where our largest chapters in the world exist, say, “grisly stories about brutal rape and murder are coming from all over India too often, particularly northern Pradesh regions.  Has India lost all law and order or is this the retaliation of a cornered and desperate patriarchal system against protestors of misogyny–the delicate champions of change? Why do government officials refuse to act against rapists? Third world nations (and paradoxically India, as a nuclear power is still a Third World Country by all definitions) tend to have thriving patriarchal systems resembling ancient barbarism with a high disrespect for the value of human life, particularly the lives of women and children,” say the conveners of this year’s annual meeting of India chapters, explained Ms. Carter who since the 14th of October has been doing a quick investigation into India’s surprising, rogue behaviour of 18 June 2023, and unfortunately discovered many other interferences in Canada of which the RCMP, she said, is aware.

HRW goes on to say in its 2024 report “that the police in BJP-governed states failed to properly investigate crimes against minorities while administrative officials responded by summarily punishing victim communities, including those who protested such abuses. Constitutional authorities like the National Human Rights Commission, and those designed to protect the rights of children, women, religious minorities, tribal groups, and Dalits, did not function independently.”

“Canadians don’t like the American or Israeli assassinations of anyone, either. The Indian government is playing bold and stupid copycat games. Just because Israel and the USA are running around the world murdering people it doesn’t like doesn’t mean that India can do the same. Read the 10 commandments or sayings: Thou shall not Kill! Stop watching Hollywood or Bollywood movies if your brains’ cognitive abilities can’t discriminate between surreal fantasies and the real world,” said Melanie Wagner, General Manager of WebRadio Canada.

“India has joined North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, the Genocidal Joe Biden and the Butcher of Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu in their bloodlust and their claimed impunity for assassinations of people they hate, doing that crime on any foreign land like the worst of all f****** gangsters because you commit crimes from a position of trust you then betray, summarized Ms. Carter when asked if Canada was justified in ejecting criminal elements from India’s Embassy and Consular Offices.

“This is unacceptable and illegal behaviour,” Ms. Carter continued. “This conduct of plotting and doing assassinations in Canada is reprehensible and destroys the reputation of India’s Mr. Modi and his government’s comprehension and application of global democratic human values. I have spoken to come of my contacts in Delhi who seemed to expect me to cheer their accomplishment of murdering Mr. Nijjar. Nothing could be further from the truth. If Mr. Nijjar had committed crimes, he and the Canadian people needed to have him arrested and face his accusers in a court of law. We don’t just run around killing people who ‘piss us off’,” said Ms. Carter who sounded quite ticked-off herself.

14 October remarks on this issue by the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau are to-the-point and diplomatic, Canadian style.

“Canada is a country rooted in the rule of law, and the protection of our citizens is paramount. That is why, when our law enforcement and intelligence services began pursuing credible allegations that agents of the Government of India were directly involved in the killing of a Canadian citizen, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, on Canadian soil – we responded.

“We shared our concerns with the Government of India and asked them to work with us to shed light on this important issue. At the same time, police and security agencies have used all the tools at their disposal to keep Canadians safe. Today, given evidence presented by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), we are taking additional steps to protect Canadians.

“As the Commissioner of the RCMP, Mike Duheme, stated earlier today, the RCMP has clear and compelling evidence that agents of the Government of India have engaged in, and continue to engage in, activities that pose a significant threat to public safety. This includes clandestine information gathering techniques, coercive behaviour targeting South Asian Canadians, and involvement in over a dozen threatening and violent acts, including murder. This is unacceptable.

“While attempts have been made by the RCMP and national security officials to work with the Government of India and Indian law enforcement counterparts on this matter, they have been repeatedly refused. That is why, this weekend, Canadian officials took an extraordinary step. They met with Indian officials to share RCMP evidence, which concluded six agents of the Government of India are persons of interest in criminal activities. And despite repeated requests to the Government of India, they have decided not to co-operate. Given that the Government of India still refuses to co-operate, my colleague, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly, had only one choice.

“Today, she issued a deportation notice for these six individuals. They must leave Canada. They will no longer be able to act as diplomats in Canada, nor to re-enter Canada, for whatever reason. Let me be clear: the evidence brought to light by the RCMP cannot be ignored. It leads to one conclusion: it is necessary to disrupt the criminal activities that continue to pose a threat to public safety in Canada. That is why we acted. Because we will always – first and foremost – stand for the right of Canadians to feel safe and secure in their own country.

“We will never tolerate the involvement of a foreign government in threatening and killing Canadian citizens on Canadian soil – a deeply unacceptable violation of Canada’s sovereignty and of international law.
